2025 8th International Conference on Mechanical, Electrical and Material Application (MEMA 2025)
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Prof. Udaya K Madawala

IEEE Fellow, Distinguished Lecturer (IEEE Industrial Electronics Society)

The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Udaya K Madawala, IEEE Fellow, Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Power Electronics Society. Professor of Faculty of Engineering,Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering, New Zealand. He graduated from The University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in 1987, and received his doctorate in power electronics from University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1993 as a Commonwealth doctoral scholar. Power electronics is his main field of research. At present, He is focusing on bi-directional wireless charging of electric vehicles (EVs) for V2X applications, wired and wireless rapid charging of electric ferries (EFs), high power converters, energy management and mitigating the impacts of EV charging on the grid. He is a member, of AdCom & member- at- Large Nomination, Committee, IEEE Power Electronics Society, an associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, a Chair of Steering Committee, IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC). Prof. Madawala has more than 30 years of rich experience in the fields of power electronics and power conversion industry and academia. At present, he has published more than 300 related academic papers in IEEE and IET journals and international conferences.

Prof. Liang Zhang

Distinguished professor, a "Minjiang Scholar" in Fujian Province

Xiamen University of Technology, China

Liang Zhang, postdoctoral professor, was selected as a "Min Jiang Scholar" in Fujian Province, a "Distinguished Researcher" in Henan Province, a young and middle-aged academic leader in the "Blue Project" in Jiangsu Province, and a high-level talent in the "Six Talent Peaks" in Jiangsu Province. Long-term engaged in welding materials and technology, electronic packaging and interconnection, solder joint reliability research. He has successively served as the executive director of the National Research Association for the Development of New Materials Technology, member of the Special Committee on Brazing and Special Bonding, member of the Committee of the Welding Branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society, member of the Youth Working Committee of China Welding Society, and Frontier in Materials. Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board of Electronics Science Technology and Application, Editorial Board of Electronics and Packaging, and Member of Expert Committee of Packaging Engineering. The first young editorial board of Journal of Welding, China Welding, Welding and Machinery Manufacturing Abstracts-Welding Volume. Senior member of China Mechanical Engineering Society. Selected as a global TOP2% Scientist in 2019 and 2020 (Stanford University in the United States counted 7 million scientists in the world, and ranked the top 2% scientists). In 2013, he was promoted to associate professor, and in 2017, he was promoted to professor. More than 100 SCI papers have been published in important academic journals at home and abroad, with the highest impact factor of 33.667 for a single paper, more than 2,000 citations by SCI and the H factor of 31. Authorized 17 national invention patents and won 11 awards at or above the provincial level.


· Speakers of MEMA 2024 ·


Prof. Yiming Zhang

Fuzhou University, China

Doctoral supervisor of Fuzhou University, a national high-level overseas talent, distinguished professor, a Fujian "Minjiang Scholar", an IEEE Senior Member, and a standing member of the Youth Working Committee of China Electric Power Institute. The main research direction is wireless power transmission technology, power electronic power conversion technology, etc. Published an English monograph in Springer Press as the sole author. In recent years, more than 80 papers have been published in famous academic journals and international conferences at home and abroad, including 25 papers for SCI and 25 papers for EI. The total number of citations is 2570, and the H factor is 27, and one paper for ESI is highly cited. He presided over the overseas projects and youth projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, the Jieqing project of Fujian Province, the key open project of the State Key Laboratory of Electric Power System, the foreign scientific and technological cooperation project of Fuzhou Science and Technology Bureau, and the special research funds of Minjiang scholars.

Prof. Yajun Liu

South China University of Technology, China

Prof. Yajun Liu was born on September 20, 1974 in Jiangxi, China. His Education and Academic Research Experiences is as follows:

December, 2016- Now Professor in South China University of Technology School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering.

December, 2009- December, 2010. Visiting Professor in Fluid Power Research Center (FPRC) Purdue University at West Lafayette, USA.

Feb, 2005 – July, 2016. Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Tokheim JV company in China.

June, 2002 Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering. South China University of Technology, Guangzhou,China.

His research interests include Digital signal processing technology and its application in mechanical systems (such as hydraulic System for Energy Saving.); Intelligence control and Manufacturing Engineering. Moreover, Prof. Yajun Liu has published more than 150+ papers in Journals and proceedings of international conferences. 35 +patents on Mechanical System design and manufacturing.


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Prof. Jahangir Hossain (IEEE Senior Member)

Chief Editor of Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE, Associate Editor of Journal of Hydro-environment Research-IAHR

Dr. Jahangir Hossain is currently working as a Professor at the School of Electrical and Data Engineering, University of Technology Sydney. Before joining there, he served as an associate professor in Macquarie University for 3.5 years, senior lecture and a lecturer in the Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University for five years and as a research fellow in the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia. Previously, he worked as a lecturer and assistant professor at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh for six years. He has published more than 300 articles in international refereed journals and conferences which attracted more than 7100 citations (Google Scholar) with H-index 44. He is a senior member of IEEE, editor of an IEEE and IET journal and secured more than $5M research grant.  His research interests are power systems, wind generator integration and stabilization, voltage stability, micro grids, robust control, electrical machine, FACTS devices, and energy storage systems.

Prof. Honggang Dong

Dalian University of Technology, China

Prof. Honggang Dong achieved his Bachelor, Master and PhD Degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology in the year of 1998, 2000 and 2004, respectively. Then he joined Dalian University of Technology as a faculty member in September, 2004. He worked as a Research Associate (Postdoc) in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, from December 2005 to December 2007. He came back to School of Materials Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology in January 2008 and worked there until now. His research fields of interest include dissimilar materials joining technology and metallurgy, composition design of welding materials, and numerical simulation of welding processes. 
